Under the slogan (Quality Assurance is our path to continuous improvement)
The third conference on quality assurance and university performance will be held at the Southern Technical University 2021 on Thursday, November 25
Conference Objectives
Develop policies and mechanisms for implementing and ensuring quality in higher education,
Benefit from successful local, regional and international experiences in the field of higher education quality,
Identify the challenges facing quality assurance in higher education institutions
Provide recommendations and proposals to ensure the quality of higher education
Conference Topics
(Educational Policies for the Quality of Higher Education)
Laws and Decisions Related to Higher Education, Planning for the Quality of Higher Education, Quality Assurance Standards,
Accreditation, Aligning Higher Education Outputs with Labor Market Needs
(Mechanisms for implementing quality in higher education)
Training programs to raise the efficiency of human elements, developing academic programs, modern teaching methods and techniques, modern evaluation methods and tools
(Local and international experiences in the field of higher education quality)
Local experiences – international experiences
(Challenges facing the application of quality in higher education, and ways to address them)
Administrative challenges, financial challenges, legislative challenges, human challenges, technical challenge