The women’s empowerment units in the formations of the Southern Technical University organized seminars and discussion sessions on the phenomenon of harassment, its problems, patterns, and its impact on society. The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Basra Technical Institute held an educational symposium entitled the phenomenon of harassment and its impact on society, in which the jurist, Dr. Abbas Barism Habib, lectured, through which he explained the effects. Negativity on society and its punishments, through which he also emphasized the role of the family in the first place and the correct use of mobile phones, for his part.
The Qurna Technical Institute held a discussion panel in which Ms. Israa Samir Abdul Nabi lectured. It included harassment in general, its types, the reasons that lead to it, how this phenomenon can be reduced, and how to protect your child from electronic harassment. On a related level, the Thi Qar Technical College held a cultural symposium on harassment as a problem. Its patterns and impact on society, and the laws and ministerial regulations that limit this phenomenon in general and within the university campus in particular.