The Southern Technical University is carrying out a workshop on the university number and its adoption as a permanent identifier for students

The Student Affairs and Registration Department headed by the Southern Technical University carried out a workshop on the university number and its adoption as a fixed identifier for students.

Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Farid Abdul-Ahad attended part of the activities of this workshop, where he emphasized the importance of this vital project, which will reduce a lot of time and effort to serve students and associates, stressing that the university, with its scientific and technical energies, will be able to implement this work with all High craftsmanship and precision

The workshop, in which the official of the Admission and Registration Division, Mr. Walid Jaloub Khudair, as well as the official of the Graduates and Certifications Division, Mr. Alaa Faleh Hassan, taught, aims to implement the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the development of a unified mechanism for coding scientific and administrative formations and documents in addition to the financial.

The workshop included defining the goals of the university number, which will be a digital identifier for the student within the university and the academic stages that he will go through, and how to use this number in electronic transactions, including university admission orders, student identity and graduation document.
