Women’s psychological stability and its role in reforming society in a lecture at the Southern Technical University

The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Southern Technical University organized a lecture on the psychological stability of women and their role in reforming society in light of the challenges facing everyone.

The lecture, which was moderated by the lecturer in the Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques at the college, Dr. Maysoon Khudhair Darraj, included a definition of psychological stability according to psychology and the most important characteristics of a psychologically stable personality, To be an effective woman in society

At the end of her lectures, the lecturer recommended the importance of intensifying educational lectures and seminars that are concerned with the psychological aspect of women and educating men as an important factor contributing to this aspect. Also, the presence of a psychologically stable woman means a stable family and thus a balanced and successful society.


As well as the most important advice and guidance to reach this stage of psychological balance on the personal and social level for women.

The lecture, which was attended by the Dean of the College of Health and Medical Technology and his administrative and financial assistant, aims to educate women and guide them to the most important advice through which they can overcome the obstacles they face in their personal and social lives, which may affect their psychological stability.

