Celebrating the successful conclusion of the professional safety course and safety rules IOSH: enhancing skills for a safe working environment

Together we celebrate the successful conclusion of the professional safety course and  safety rules IOSH.

With the end of the last day of our outstanding training course in the field of occupational safety, we are pleased to extend our gratitude to all those who participated and enriched  this valuable educational experience. This event was an excellent opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of occupational safety, under the supervision of engineer Fatima Zaki Saadoun, who provided us with her extensive experience in this field.

During this course, we were able to build strong foundations for safe practices in the working environment, and discussed the importance of adhering to international safety standards to ensure a safe working environment for all workers. Emphasis has also been placed on tools and strategies that enhance safety awareness and protect people’s health and safety in different industries.

We hope that this course will have inspired participants and provided them with the tools to improve working environments and make them safer and more effective.

We would like to emphasize the importance of continuing with continuous education and familiarizing ourselves with the future training programmes we plan. We are here to support you in your educational and professional journey, and we invite you to stay in touch with us for more training opportunities that contribute to the development of your professional safety skills.
