The Southern Technical University, at the Center for Continuing Education, organized a lecture on the symptoms of the “Omicron” mutant strain of the Coronavirus. The lecture given by Dr. Qusay Abdul Latif Al-Eidani included the most important mild, moderate, and severe symptoms of infection with the “Omicron” mutant of the Coronavirus (Covid (19). And the procedures that are recommended to be followed, as well as the necessary procedures in the event of real symptoms of infection with this strain. The lecture, which was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, the Dean of the College of Engineering Technology, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, the Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department, and a number of students, aims to identify the symptoms of this disease. Including fever, shortness of breath, malaise, joint pain, influenza-like fatigue, and how to prevent and control the disease. The lecture concluded with the importance of using gloves and masks, performing sterilization operations and disinfecting buildings, halls, rooms, and offices, in addition to seeing a specialist doctor if you develop symptoms of Covid 19 or if you are in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid. 19