Southern Technical University, in coordination with the Women Empowerment Division, organized a solidarity stand in support of the women of Gaza and its patient people. The stand, which was attended by university affiliates, began by reading Surat Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs of Gaza, including women, men, youth, children and elders, then the university speech was read, which indicated that day after day, the false masks of the inert regimes are exposed, and day after day, the whole world discovers the extent of the injustice and aggression that affected the Palestinian people’s land, identity and existence, under the eyes of the world that claims civilization and sophistication, in front of the hearing and sight of the world. The speech pointed out that we as Arab and Islamic peoples must condemn this aggression and expose the enemy and its dirty methods as it inflicts great harm on our people in steadfast Gaza, and extend a helping hand to the families suffering from the lack of medicine and food, and the pain of siege and displacement, and concluded the speech by praying for our people in Gaza for jihad and heroism to victory over the enemies.University Media