Southern Technical University participated in the first conference of the Industrial Advisory Council of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The conference, which was held at Gilgamesh National University, was sponsored by His Excellency the Minister, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi. He reviewed the importance and purpose of the Industrial Advisory Council in universities to activate labor market requirements with academic studies, modernize curricula, and develop skills. Students and graduates, as well as capacity building to achieve the preparation of qualified graduates for the labor market, in addition to development goals and plans that serve the state’s government program. Assistant to the University President for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Alaa Farid Abdul-Ahad, stated to us that the Southern Technical University was a pioneer in this field, as a council was formed. Industrial consultant since the academic year 2016/2017, whose work was reflected in organizing qualifying workshops for graduates and job seekers in the two step programs (1-2), pointing out that the council has been updated at the presidential level as well as the formations of colleges and institutes, and work is currently underway to activate the council’s activities with The competent authorities in the labor market at the level of the public, private and joint sectors mentioned that the university has informed Mr. Assistant President for Scientific Affairs and Director of the Center for Continuing Education, Dr. Maher Talib Abdul Zahra