Southern Technical University turns to the digital system to support the validity of the issuance of academic documents

As of Thursday, August 11, 2022, the Southern Technical University began to switch to the digital system to support the validity of the issuance of academic documents and all its formations.

The Director of the Student Affairs and Registration Department at the University Presidency, Dr. Raed Abdul-Zahra Abdul-Ridha, stated to us that this procedure was directed by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and with the approval of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhim Abdul-Saheb, and under the direct supervision of the President of the Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashem  Al- Abbasi.

Whereby it , the transition to the digital system was made to confirm the validity of the issuance of the documents of our university graduates as of Thursday, 11/8/2022, so that this procedure contributes to the speed of completion and accuracy in work, which will enable the university institution to provide integrated services to citizens.

Pointing out that the implementation of this project will achieve and provide facilitation in the procedures and services provided to graduates through the granting of documents and the validity of its issuance to various parties inside and outside Iraq, stressing that the university will not receive any paper transactions to answer the validity of the issuance of documents after the above date.
