The President Assistant of the University for Scientific Affairs meets the Chairman of the Academic Subcommittee at Southern Technical University

The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Farid Abdel-Ahad, met with the Chairman of the Academic Subcommittee at Southern Technical University, Prof. Dr. Khair Allah Abdel-Samad, and a number of department directors at the university. Abdul-Ahad stated that this committee, which was formed based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is concerned with investing the energies of scholarship students who have completed their studies outside Iraq and joined the tasks of their teaching and research work from the university’s formations. Pointing out that the axes of the committee’s work are in providing scientific and research advice, developing curricula, developing capabilities, building partnerships and scientific cooperation between the university and foreign Universities and Iraqi universities, activating the university’s role with the labor market, as well as promoting and coordinating graduate studies projects in order to advance universities and enter the international classifications. The directors of the departments of studies, planning, quality assurance and university performance, in addition to scientific affairs, student affairs, and the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations, headed by the university attended the meeting.
