collegedepartmentdegreeAvailable Seats for Scholarship
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeElectrical Power Techniques Engineering Departmentmaster2
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeThermal Mechanic Techniques Engineering Departmentmaster2
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeEnvironment and Pollution Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeElectrical Power Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeChemicals and Petrochemicals Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeFuel and Energy Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeThermal Mechanic Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Engineering Technical CollegeControl and Automation Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Management Technical CollegeAccounting Techniques Departmentmaster2
Basra Management Technical CollegeBusiness AdministrationTechniques Department master2
Basra Management Technical CollegeAccounting Techniques Department Bachelor5
Basra Management Technical CollegeBusiness AdministrationTechniques Department Bachelor5
Basra Management Technical CollegeInformation Techniques Department Bachelor5
Thi qar Technical CollegeAccounting Techniques Department Bachelor5
Thi qar Technical CollegeElectromechanical Systems Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Basra Health Technical CollegeCommunity Health Techniques Departmentmaster2
Basra Health Technical CollegeMedical Laboratiores Techniques Departmentmaster2
Basra Health Technical CollegeCommunity Health Techniques Department Bachelor5
Basra Health Technical CollegeMedical Laboratiores Techniques Department Bachelor5
Maysan Technical CollegeElectromechanical Systems Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Maysan Technical CollegeBuilding and Construction Techniques Engineering Department Bachelor5
Shatra Technical CollegeMedical Laboratiores Techniques Department Bachelor5
Shatra Technical CollegeTissue Culture Techniques and Medicinal Plants Department Bachelor5
Quran Technical InstituteComputer SystemsTechniques DepartmentDiploma5
Quran Technical InstituteElectrical Techniques Department / Power Diploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteNursing Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteCommunity Health Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteMedical Laboratiores Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteOffice Management Techniques and Information Systems DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteAccounting Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteComputer SystemsTechniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteLegal Management Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteElectrical Techniques Department / Power Diploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteCivil Techniques / Building and Construction DepartmentDiploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteMechanical Techniques Department / Production Diploma5
Nasiriyah Technical InstituteApplied Arts Techniques Department / Clothing Industry Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteApplied Arts Techniques Department / Architectural Design and Decoration Techniques Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteElectrical Techniques Department / Power Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteSurveying Techniques Department Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteCivil Techniques / Building and Construction DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteElectronic Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteMechanical Techniques Department / Production Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteMechanical Power Techniques Department / Automotive Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteMechanical Power Techniques Department / Refrigeration Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteChemical Industries Techniques Department / Operation of Industrial Unit Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteAnesthesia Techniques Department Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteNursing Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteMedical Laboratiores Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstitutePharmacy Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteCommunity Health Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteOffice Management Techniques Department Diploma5
Basra Technical InstituteAccounting Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteMaterial Management Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Technical InstituteComputer SystemsTechniques DepartmentDiploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteMaterial Management Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteMechanical Power Techniques Department / Automotive Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteElectrical Techniques Department / Networks Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteSurveying Techniques Department Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteCivil Techniques / Building and Construction DepartmentDiploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteWater Resources Techniques Department / Irrigation and DrainageDiploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteMechanical Techniques Department / Production Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteAgriculture Machinery Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Shatra Technical InstitutePlant Production Techniques Department Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteAnimal Production Techniques Department / Animal Production Diploma5
Shatra Technical InstituteAnimal Production Techniques Department / Animal Health Diploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteElectrical Techniques Department / Power Diploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteSurveying Techniques Department Diploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteCivil Techniques / Building and Construction DepartmentDiploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteMechanical Techniques Department / Production Diploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteElectronic Techniques and Communications Department / Electronic Diploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteAccounting Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteComputer SystemsTechniques DepartmentDiploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteMaterial Management Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteNursing Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Umarah Technical InstituteMedical Laboratiores Techniques DepartmentDiploma5
Basra Management Technical CollegeBusiness Administration Techniques Department Higher Diploma2
Basra Management Technical CollegeBusiness Administration Techniques Department Higher Diploma2
Basra Management Technical CollegeBusiness Administration Techniques Department Higher Diploma2