

# عنوان البحث مكان النشر تاريخ النشر عرض
1 Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Thi-Qar Province- Iraq from 2015- 2019 European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine , 7 (2); 43- 48 vol 7 , Issue 2 2020/09/01 visibility
2 The prevalence of thyroid stimulating blocking antibodies TSBAbs in newly diagnosed patients with autoimmune thyroid Disease Bulletin of National institute of Health Sciences ISSN: 1343- 4292 Volume 140, Issue 01, April, 2022 2022/04/01 visibility
3 Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Thi-Qar Province-Iraq from 2015-2019 European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2020 visibility